Friday 12 December 2008


Firstly apologies for the late posting about the first Ministry of Design sale at which Generator companies will be selling work. The Ministry sale will be in the Trinity Church hall in Kingsland, Auckland (next to Atomic cafe) this Saturday 13th of December. There will be products for sale from 12 up and coming and established designers from around Auckland. Seize the chance to get those special Christmas presents and support the next wave of Creative New Zealanders.



"For me a business plan is a road-map to make your idea happen. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not sure creatives should be talking about revenue streams and supply chains when they mean income and a network of friends and contacts in various creative fields. "I met this guy and he knows someone who can help out." That’s so underplayed and yet it’s so important to successful business. Terms like ‘supply chain’ are only so much alienating jargon.”

Hugo Manassei
Director, NESTA Graduate
Pioneer Programme


"Barbara made business seem so relevant. And that made it immediately interesting to me. I really felt that I wanted to understand it better because it’s related to what I am doing"

(Generator resident post Waitakere Enterprise/Generator Business Courses)