Saturday 24 May 2008

DINZ and the Generator

The Generator is delighted to announce that it has teamed up with the Designers Institute of New Zealand (DINZ) to improve the Generators access to mentors. This is an excellent opportunity for the Generator residents to find mentors to assist with business, design and production, and retailing advice.

The Designers Institute of New Zealand's mission is to have professional designers valued and rewarded for the contribution they make to the economic, cultural and social growth of New Zealand. This is achieved through encouraging the development of professional skills in the membership and by bringing together the different design disciplines under a common proposition that excellent design brings tangible benefits to its users. Other aims are to improve standards of professional service, increase demand for design excellence and generally increase the profile of design.

If you would like to offer your skills as a mentor to the Generator please contact Roger Bateman on the details at the foot of this page.

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"For me a business plan is a road-map to make your idea happen. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not sure creatives should be talking about revenue streams and supply chains when they mean income and a network of friends and contacts in various creative fields. "I met this guy and he knows someone who can help out." That’s so underplayed and yet it’s so important to successful business. Terms like ‘supply chain’ are only so much alienating jargon.”

Hugo Manassei
Director, NESTA Graduate
Pioneer Programme


"Barbara made business seem so relevant. And that made it immediately interesting to me. I really felt that I wanted to understand it better because it’s related to what I am doing"

(Generator resident post Waitakere Enterprise/Generator Business Courses)