Saturday 25 October 2008

Designer In Residence

Ex Unitec student Christine Hobbs will be taking up as 'designer in residence' in the Generator. She will be with us until the end of 2008. Having Christine with us offers a great opportunity for the residents to ask questions and see how Christine runs her business.

Having completed a Bachelor of Product Design at Unitec, graduating in 2005, Christine Hobbs is now engaged in running a small business called Nuzilla which she set up with Cris de Groot. As well as running Nuzilla, Christine also consults to various other small businesses in such areas as quality management systems, proof reading and design. Christine was the retail manager for Hells Gate in Rotarua.

For more information see or click on the title of this post.

Welcome Christine.

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"For me a business plan is a road-map to make your idea happen. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not sure creatives should be talking about revenue streams and supply chains when they mean income and a network of friends and contacts in various creative fields. "I met this guy and he knows someone who can help out." That’s so underplayed and yet it’s so important to successful business. Terms like ‘supply chain’ are only so much alienating jargon.”

Hugo Manassei
Director, NESTA Graduate
Pioneer Programme


"Barbara made business seem so relevant. And that made it immediately interesting to me. I really felt that I wanted to understand it better because it’s related to what I am doing"

(Generator resident post Waitakere Enterprise/Generator Business Courses)