Thursday 5 June 2008

Generator Business Courses

The 3rd June saw the first Generator Business course run at Waitakere Enterprise. Delivered by business coach Barbara Joy from Waitakere Enterprise the session focussed on how to grow a small business.
16 attended the course which lasted a full day. Next week sees the second day long course run the focus of which will be on accounting and law.

While New Zealand has recognised that the creative industries are a crucial part of securing the future success of the economy, Unitec School of Design believes there is insufficient high quality support to nurture and develop the next generation of design-based businesses.
The Generator provides a ‘soft start’ into self employment in the creative professions whilst at the same time allowing the school to stay in close contact with its graduates .

The Creative Industries depend, perhaps more than any other sector, on networks and proximity as drivers of creativity and business growth. Individual businesses are small in scale, which makes models like the Generator essential if major projects are to be undertaken. Through the establishment of the Generator small New Zealand based businesses can compete as a network against larger International companies in this field.

The idea of having sector specific business courses delivered grew out of a conversation between Generator Director Roger Bateman and CEO of Waitakere Enterprise John Wadsworth. Roger and John had met when Roger began judging the product and innovation categories of the Waitakere Business Awards in 2005. Both Waitakere Enterprise and the Unitec School of Design wish to see the sustained growth of new businesses and it was from this shared vision that the Waitakere Enterprise/Generator relationship was borne.

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"For me a business plan is a road-map to make your idea happen. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not sure creatives should be talking about revenue streams and supply chains when they mean income and a network of friends and contacts in various creative fields. "I met this guy and he knows someone who can help out." That’s so underplayed and yet it’s so important to successful business. Terms like ‘supply chain’ are only so much alienating jargon.”

Hugo Manassei
Director, NESTA Graduate
Pioneer Programme


"Barbara made business seem so relevant. And that made it immediately interesting to me. I really felt that I wanted to understand it better because it’s related to what I am doing"

(Generator resident post Waitakere Enterprise/Generator Business Courses)