Tuesday 19 August 2008

Centre for Design Innovation

"Why is design important? Our research shows Irish companies that value design innovate more often. Not only that, but Irish companies that value design innovate more successfully. And those companies that integrate design more strategically within their organisations experience greater demand for their goods and services. What are you waiting for?"

I have recently been contacted by Dr. David Tormey from the Centre for Design Innovation
ITSBIC, Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ballinode at Sligo, Ireland. The above quote comes from their website (click on the post title to take you there) Dr Tormey will be visiting us in early September to discuss the similatrities between Ireland and New Zealand and the interesting economic comparisons that can be made between the two countries. Dr Tormey has read about and heard of some of the excellent work at Unitec and is keen to come and see us. He will be in New Zealand for the Better By Design CEO Summit. More on his visit to come later.

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"For me a business plan is a road-map to make your idea happen. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not sure creatives should be talking about revenue streams and supply chains when they mean income and a network of friends and contacts in various creative fields. "I met this guy and he knows someone who can help out." That’s so underplayed and yet it’s so important to successful business. Terms like ‘supply chain’ are only so much alienating jargon.”

Hugo Manassei
Director, NESTA Graduate
Pioneer Programme


"Barbara made business seem so relevant. And that made it immediately interesting to me. I really felt that I wanted to understand it better because it’s related to what I am doing"

(Generator resident post Waitakere Enterprise/Generator Business Courses)